I use the AnyDATA device, model ADU-510L, but a lot of USB modems can use the same procedure as well.
http://www.anydata.co.kr -> they don't offer any support for Linux distribution, so forget about using manufacturer website.
Instead, try this step by step approach:
Click Places > Home folder, then File > Create folder > .apps, so you just create a new invisible folder here, called .apps (it is invisible because the name ".apps" instead of "apps" .
Its role is to store there for you packages for programs that aren't in repositories yet while still keeping them at hand (for example I put there the firefox 3.5.x packages - because Ubuntu Hardy still does not offer any way to install it through Synaptic or Add/Remove feature because it is not yet added/maintained by Ubuntu community in the repositories, also I keep there AlsaUpgrade newest versions, or usb_modeswitch, etc.)
Let's go on further.
There are two ways to get the job done, one is using some .deb package (maybe a little easier but not so safe) and another one is a do-it-yourself way.
First one needs that you go at Debian repositories page here :
if you want to download the .deb version of the program called usb-modeswitch that changes the mode usb-storage into usbserial of the AnyDATA device.
You will find there ( as of now ) 2 packages : "squeeze (testing)" and "sid (unstable)".
We could use the testing one (called squeeze), taken from this page :
You can download it and install it in your computer using GDebi Package installer.
However, you must take care that the debian version is 1.0.2 instead of 1.0.5. ( latest one ). The main differences are seen here :
Version 1.0.5, 2009/08/26
More changes and fixes regarding success check; "--version" option; config "database" updated
Version 1.0.4, 2009/08/23
Success check bugs (and others) fixed
Version 1.0.3, 2009/08/20
Success check improved; experimental system integration (fully automated), optional; new parameter "TargetProductList" needed for this; other necessary small adaptations; more devices
Version 1.0.2, 2009/06/09
Some output bugs fixed
(source : http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/index.html#download)
For those of you that want to use the latest version (this is the second way) :
- download the latest version from here http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/index.html#download , which is 1.0.5 ( or any newer one )
- create a new folder in your "home folder
- move inside that folder the archived file usb_modeswitch-1.0.5.tar.bz2
- go inside that folder and unpack that archive with Archive Manager . It will create a folder called usb_modeswitch-1.0.5 so that you can now delete the downloaded file and work only with the folder newly created.
- download also this file http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/usb_modeswitch.conf and copy it inside that same folder above. It will replace the older one (the file from extracted archive is a slightly older than this one).
- System > Administration > Synaptic > ( password ) > Search > libusd (Search in "Name") > mark "libusb-dev" for installation > Apply --> that will install libusb-dev which is requested for compiling the files needed for instalation of usb-modeswitch in your Linux computer.
------------------ few technical details of the AnyDATA ADU-510L ----- those needs to be seen into the configuration file:
DefaultVendor= 0x05c6
DefaultProduct= 0x1000
TargetVendor= 0x16d5
TargetProduct= 0x6502
Also, only for reference and 0.x versions :
(Similar to those above, the usb_modeswitch.conf file has the specific lines for each CDMA modem on the market now. I just have AnyDATA ADU-510L, that's why I mentioned it here. We will need again very soon this info. )
Open a Terminal and write :
cd /home/your-username
(of course,
sudo make install
sudo gedit /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf
( read inside the file usb_modeswitch.conf opened with gedit and delete the ";" signs before DefaultVendor and Product and also TargetVendor and Product and Messages ( as above ), only these 6 lines corresponding to your own modem )
sudo sh ./usb_modeswitch -> it is possible to give some answer "wrong ")" syntax" or alike. ignore it.
dmesg => this will give you a full list of lines, last ones having "full speed USB device" which is ok.
now execute :
sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x16d5 product=0x6502 -----> this must load the drivers of the modem, which can be checked running again
The modem is set.
Usually, if registering is successful, it reads :
"usbcore: registered new interface driver option" which means that modem is set NOT as "generic", but as it should be actually.
and then "USB Driver for GSM modems" ( in a line similar to this one : /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/drivers/usb/serial/option.c: USB Driver for GSM modems: v0.7.1 )
This is it.
Modem is installed and set as it should be.
If something goes wrong, please check carefully this page : http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/index.html#trouble
It has all explanations of what can be done ( hopefully you won't need it !! )
( I will write here soon also the messages from terminal and how to connect successfully to the internet ). I also will post here the safest way to succeed the switch (sometimes it does not succeed and modem has to be unplugged and plugged again).
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